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(i) The link between mental health, mental well-being, and mental health conditions

You may have come across many different terms such as ‘mental health’, ‘mental well-being', or even ‘mental health conditions’. Understanding the differences between these terms as well as how they relate to one another can help you and your child be better informed.

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What is mental health?

Mental health is a state of well-being and exists on a continuum, ranging from “well and coping” on the left, to “clinically diagnosed with a mental health condition” on the right.

Depending on one’s lifestyle habits as well as their ability to cope and manage stress, one can move along this spectrum over time and at any time.

What is mental well-being?

Mental well-being is more than not having mental health conditions, similar to how physical health is not only being free of diseases but also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It refers to a state where one can realise their potential and work productively as well as fruitfully to contribute to their community.

Mental well-being is important for everyone at every stage of life and helps one cope with varying feelings and normal stressors that we experience in our daily lives. During challenging moments of one’s life, it is normal to experience difficult or uncomfortable feelings (e.g. sadness, frustration). Depending on how severe these feelings, thoughts and reactions are, a person could be said to have poor mental well-being.

What are mental health conditions?

Mental health conditions are characterised by significant disturbances in one's thinking, emotional regulation, or behaviour.

While it is normal to feel many different kinds of feelings, some people may experience intense and uncomfortable feelings that persist and do not go away. Over time, these feelings can change how they behave, as well as how they see the world, other people, or even themselves. This can interfere with multiple areas of their daily life.

According to the Youth Epidemiology and Resilience (YEAR) study (2023):

  • 1 in 3 youths (aged 10 to 18) in Singapore experienced internalising mental health symptoms (e.g. sadness, anxiety, and loneliness)

  • Common mental health conditions experienced by children and youth in Singapore include major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder

Please note:

Mental health conditions can be treated and managed, especially with early intervention. As such, it is important to be able to identify signs of distress and seek help from a professional, who can assess, and provide a treatment plan to support one’s mental health. With the right support, most people with mental health conditions can still go about their daily lives.

Regardless of their position on the mental health continuum, everyone can take active steps to care for their mental well-being by incorporating “OKAY” tips in their daily lives.

Parents can also participate in meaningful activities with their child to promote mental well-being and ensure their child is better equipped to face difficulties and challenges in the future.

Click here to find out more about what you can do to help your child.