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A man looking sad with the negative remarks appearing from his laptop

(ii) Managing differing views and negative comments online

At times, you may worry about your child being exposed to negative comments, cyberbullying incidents, and people who may have differing views from them when online. As a parent, you can help them thrive in the online space and navigate through such challenges by providing guidance and support.

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How can you help your child navigate differing views?

It is important to help your child understand that not everyone holds the same point of view as them. To help them navigate these differing viewpoints, you can guide them to stand by and express their opinions confidently online while still respecting the opinions of others.

For example, you can encourage your child to keep an open mind and provide them with opportunities to access information, enabling them to consider issues from multiple perspectives.

How can your child manage
negative comments?

It can be hard to completely avoid negative comments when interacting with others online. However, you can encourage your child to create a positive presence online by exercising empathy and respect when responding to others.

For example, you can:

You can also explore with them other ways they can press on to bring about the positive change they want to see online such as practising Stop-Think-Do and T.H.I.N.K. before responding to negative comments.