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(i) Understanding how you interact with your child

Parenting can be hard and sometimes your feelings can get the better of you. In those moments, what you say or do may not accurately reflect your true intentions of wanting the best for your child.

Even when you are calm and consistent in your parenting, your child may at times not understand your intentions fully. As your child's brain continues to change and develop till their mid-to-late 20s, they may interpret what you say or do literally, and not fully appreciate your good intentions. This can result in miscommunications.

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How can you improve the way you interact with your child?

To be more aware of the way you communicate and interact with your child, take some time to reflect on the following:

When speaking to your child about behaviours you hope they can adopt, explain how they are in line with the values you want them to have, instead of focusing on their undesirable behaviours.

Communicating your values and intentions clearly will help your child understand your rationale on desirable behaviours, prevent misunderstandings, and build a positive relationship with them over time.

Take a look at the comic strip below to see how this can play out in a conversation between a parent and her child.

Keep in mind that no parent-child relationship is perfect. Sometimes, stressful situations or events can lead you to behave in ways that are inconsistent with the kind of parent you wish to be. Like your child, you, too have your ups and downs, so be kind to yourself. Remember what is important to you as a parent and re-align your actions to what you value.